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2001-04-25 - 6:45 p.m.

The adrenaline rush caused by buying the reference software is wearing off. I'm tired. I am so ready to be done with the semester and free to putter again.

Highlight of the day: a free gallon of orange juice from the university orange grove, which caused my lips to itch. The juice, not the orchard.

Gave C. a ride home. I haven't mentioned her. She's A Character who I worked with at the mosquito insectary. Definitely a Beehive Lady type. She's a 45 year old white lady, but she goes to a black church. Not afraid to stand out, and knows who her friends are. She was homeless for ten years. She recently married a fellow in jail, a black guy, which I mention in illustration of the hardships she has had to endure, since so many people, even those she works with, make snide comments and just be rude and holier-than-thou to her, and for some reason expect her to take it and get mad when she tells them where to stick it. But she never hides who she is or who she was, even when it might help to do so (like on job apps, you don't HAVE to tell them that 10 year gap was what it looks like. You could lie and tell them you were a stay at home mom). Here's the kicker, which makes me admire her the most: she has no car, so every weekend she rides her bicycle 40 miles to visit her husband. Yep. I wouldn't do it. To hell with that. She is one tenacious bitch. Very cool. She's had a way harder life than I could dream of, but keeps going, with zest.

Spiders hatched on my colander, and now I have to find some other way to drain the pasta.

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