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Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2005 - 7:20 a.m.

I was venting about my paper and advisor situation to Z, my fellow AI and perhaps new friend, and she said we could next week bounce paper ideas off each other-- I could explain to her what I find interesting about Swahili, and maybe explaining that would help me see things in a new light or maybe she would notice something or something.

It's a great idea, just the sort of thing I need. As I'm thinking about it this morning, though, I got nothin. There's not much interesting about it. I have a good mind for solving problems that are put in front of me, but a lousy one for finding interesting problems. Oh well, I'm hard at work. Something will come up, and maybe my advisor won't notice that I didn't give him the draft when I said I would.


We gave the exam yesterday, graded till 11pm. I dreamed of correcting syntax problems.

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