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Thursday, Nov. 17, 2005 - 6:50 a.m.

Day before yesterday it was 68 degrees. There were more tornadoes. Yesterday it snowed. Lordy Lordy. From unseasonably warm to unseasonablycold, all within 24 hours. What fun.

I did a last-minute harvest of herbs, uprooting the tender cilantro before it could freeze. Also parsley. And we brought in the remaining pumpkins
so they wouldn't freeze and then get all mushy like I usually let them do. No, no. Going to eat every one of these damned things, I swear.

I have been eating pumpkin for breakfast for several days now. Puree, with honey and spices and maybe a little marmalade stirred in. It's pretty good. And as a result I am totally set for my manganese intake for the day.

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