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Sunday, Dec. 23, 2007 - 8:18 a.m.

Actually a pretty good visit to the old homestead this time round. J keeps me sane and balanced.

We ate cookies, made fruitcake, drove around, visited my old pal A who is now happily working with horses and is looking all tanned and fit for the first time in years (I think she's lost 30 lbs since I saw her in October); visited my friend Jenny who is recently engaged. And ate fried fish (I do recommend Hull's Seafood on Granada in Ormond if you're in the area), went to the beach and tried to save little nudibranchs from the tide. Nudibranchs, you see, are decidedly NOT landlubbers. Also there were lots of Portugese Manowars washing up; those I would have tried to save if it would not have been so a)gross and b) painful. Some of them landed sort of at an odd angle and you could see them still gently moving their bodies, trying to steer. The smell of gently rotting creatures was everywhere.

Now we're back, and my paper for printing on is in, and so are the little clear envelopes for putting the things that I have printed into. Spiffy.

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