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Sunday, May. 11, 2008 - 6:12 a.m.

Fine weather for the art show; unfortunately, they stuck a few of us up at the end of an alley on top of a hill, and guess what? Not so much foot traffic. The small tourist town is teeming the way this small town does, except where we're at. Phooey. Towards the end of the day we had, like, 3 people an hour. At the peak it was more like 20. Compare this to what happens at a well-attended art show, and pity me.

On the bright side, I think I made more sales than anyone else on my row. Plus, PLUS! I won first prize for my category. And there were plenty of jewelrs there! But I am the best! Now if someone would just inform the juries who review my applications of this fact. It came with a $100 prize, which is awesome!

It's supposed to rain today, so I look forward to an even busier day. *sigh*

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