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Wednesday, Jun. 06, 2012 - 6:47 a.m.

The homeowner has offered to pay for a couple more motion-detectors in key places in the house. Guess they want us to stay. (They oughta-- good renters are hard to come by).

Just remembered that one of the things in the stolen jewelry box was a wooden brooch my father had given to my mother. Got it when they were sailing in the islands. Possibly the only piece of jewelry he ever gave her, and one of the few things that were left after my brother's "houseguests" cleaned her out a few years ago. Things, things. I try not to be too attached, they come and go just like this, but some things I do value a little. *sigh*

Got a wholesale order yesterday. Reorder from a place that just ordered a couple of months ago. That's a good sign.

Made 3 batches of energy bars yesterday. (Prepping for upcoming travel) They're Larabar-like. 1)date and pecan with cocoa (let's call it "chocolate pecan pie"); 2) dried apricot, almond, ginger, oatmeal, and quinoa (let's call it "dried apricot, almond, and ginger"; 3)fig, dried apple, and walnut (let's call it "the other one"). With a few dates thrown in because I had a few left. Am considering cranberry, pistachio, ginger, but I don't really need any more at present. I'm guessing they'll keep a while, though.

Did go see the transit. A little black dot on a big white circle. The telescopes were cool.

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