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Saturday, Nov. 21, 2015 - 7:13 p.m.

Bad sleep. Hosting Thanksgiving. My mom, my uncle and his lady friend, and J's colleague and his family. Should be ok but I have a lot to do to prep for it. Not attempting Piestravaganza this year. Maybe in the spring when people aren't all pied out.

Made my own printing ink. Seriously so easy, why anyone not do this? Finished my first linocut from cyanotype and am excited to see how it prints. Showed it to my mom and she liked it-- well, she just saw the block, not a print yet, but says she would like one. Maybe even a set of them. So that's encouraging.

Went to an art show today-- the good one at the museum-- no printmakers there at all. A lot of good artists though. Maybe for next year? If I get any good at this.

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