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Thursday, Jun. 06, 2019 - 9:38 a.m.

We made it to Truth or Consequences. I wish I could take a pic of me next to the town sign.

Managed to do a close to full workout when everyone was waking and breakfasting this morning. It feels good. I got a door anchor for my resistance band delivered to Memphis and am looking forward to being able to do all those exercises too on the road after that.

This is the first time in my life I have had reasonably toned arms. I am proud of myself. I still can’t do a real push-up, much less a pull-up, so it’s not really that impressive, but still.

I tried to do a bridge today— I remembered finding those really fun and easy as a kid. Haha. Now I am acutely aware of how many muscles are involved in them. I was able to do it, though, and hold it for like 5 seconds. My arm strength and leg flexibility were up to it, but my back was not happy about its role in the thing so I stopped pretty quick. I’m not sure if it’s one of those things where if you keep doing it, it improves, or if you keep doing it, you break your own spine. Not sure what I can do to make it better.

Stopping in Albuquerque today to visit a cousin...then on to Amarillo.

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