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Friday, Mar. 13, 2020 - 11:35 p.m.

We told mom we would celebrate here at our house and take her out at a later date. She was ok with it. I don’t think she’ll do anything to protect herself, particularly, but at least we can be circumspect when she’s with us.

I had a social evening planned and was anxious about it all day because the person had not gotten back to me with the specifics. We chatted in the morning about the virus. Then nothing. Then he never got back to me when the time came. Not a word. It was disappointing. When someone says “disappointing” I often imagine someone looking serious and saying, “that’s too bad”, but I forget what a big emotion disappointment can really be. There are degrees of it of course, but sometimes it feels very intense and personal and I’m not a fan. “Rejection sensitive dysphoria”.

Tomorrow is my go out to coffee day. I’m not sure whether I should, all things considered, but I might anyway.

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