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Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2024 - 9:12 p.m. I have this order, 80% of it is an exchange and I’m gonna end up putting in a full week’s work and netting like $30. I just want to be done with the shit and had my plan for today but what did I do? Woke people up and drove people around and worked for 30 minutes and went for a walk with U who has been asking for days and so I’m trying to be a good parent and then took Q to her thing and worked out because it’s too far to come home and then picked up E and by then my brain was shutting down so I slept for 15 minutes and then got up and made E food and we went to Mom’s where we met J and all went out to dinner and that was less stressful than usual but still stressful and got home 8:30pm and noticed all my tomatoes I got at the thing I almost ran out of gas for were rotting so cut them up and am roasting the ones I could salvage and now I’m about to fall asleep. Half hour of work. “Sure, I work full time”. Anyway, yeah, I made a lot of gazpacho and a lot of roasted tomato soup, and was planning to make yet more gazpacho because I still have a lot of peppers and cucumbers left too but instead it will be more soup. There were originally 61 tomatoes and I ended up tossing 17 of them, so I guess that’s not too bad, but I was aiming for zero waste. And I still have to make U’s entire Halloween costume tomorrow, so stay tuned to hear how well I’m running my actual business at this point. Yeah, yeah, family is more important. But goddamn, you know? I would like a few more hours or a little more energy or a brain that doesn’t go on strike just because it has too much glutamate built up or whatever the fuck And let’s talk about dinner out. Why didn’t I notice this problem earlier in life? Because earlier in life if I went out to restaurants in a group, I could sit and listen or not and no one was really demanding my help and attention or even talking to me that much. I could zone out and no one gave a shit. Now I go and I have 2-4 people all demanding my attention and talking at once and my brother in Christ, I do not give a shit and I can’t understand them anyway. It’s so fucking stressful. I need some goddamn boundaries around it for next time I’m forced to do this more than once a week comes around (ie, the holidays) but I don’t even know what. Y’all motherfuckers eat some fucking soup and shut the fuck up previous next� Leave a note |