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Tuesday, May. 07, 2024 - 10:52 p.m.

I woke in the middle of the night and laid awake too long, slept in. Took some weird selfies around the Airbnb, then walked back down to the little church and graveyard, laden with cameras. It’s frustrating not knowing how they’re going to turn out, if I’m systematically over or underexposing all of them or whatever.

My tripod system is working well though, at least.

Came home, took a nap, spent the evening changing the paper in the cameras. There’s no electrical outlets in the bathroom, and so what I have to do is this: wait until it’s dark out, close the blinds, turn off all the lights, and go into the bathroom, shut the door, and change the paper in total darkness one camera at a time since I won’t be able to find things if I try to do more than one at a go. It’s tedious and a little creepy, and hard to get the right sized paper for a camera without looking.

I’m running out of my pre-cut paper and will have to try to cut more in there in the dark soon, which may not work out well, but… so it goes.

Tomorrow I’ll walk down to the bay, do a couple obligatory Ferris wheel photos, and then head to the craft gallery. Then to the international market, which is only another 10 minute walk. All told, it’ll be about an hour and a half each way, and I’m surely going to regret it. Whatever. I can get an Uber home if I absolutely must.

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