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Saturday, May. 02, 2009 - 7:20 a.m.

And so today, the weather forecast once again predicts rain for my show day. I'm going to stop checking until, say, Thursday. Even then it could well be wrong. Like yesterday, it called for rain all day, and there was no rain. It was great-- I managed to go for a walk and mow the lawn.

1. Assemble things.
2. sand/varnish things.
3. make new things (which things?)
4. work on displays for things.
5. printed materials.

I have gotten the idea that I should calligraph the old wooden fence that runs along our property between the sidewalk and the trailer next door. It's our sidewalk; we have to keep it clear. If the fence falls over because of the wild vegetation growing on it on the trailer side, we have to fix it. So that means I should be able to calligraph it if I want. I haven't decided on whether to do one big, cohesive piece, or small vignettes (a poem on a panel here and there). Small vignettes are my usual modus operandi, but I don't know about lettering small on rough wood. Plus my best tool-- a foam brush-- would make large letters, though I can rig something smaller up if need be. I need to practice lettering on a vertical surface.

6. Buy clear water-sealer.

Also, simple ink or latex house paint? At least I have plenty of varnish (though, come to think of it, it's all indoor.)

7. Outdoor paint and varish (check supplies first).

The old bench we dragged home might be a good piece to practice on. I can just paint over it if I don't like how it turns out.

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