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Saturday, Jun. 24, 2023 - 7:36 p.m.

Transitioned to a hypomanic phase today. Been fairly productive. Haven’t made any dumb purchases. I hope it lasts.

New thought being I should just save the scraps of black paper from the jewelry and recycle it, form new sheets, buy a mannequin head, make masks with the recycled black paper pulp. ALSO rediscovered Powertex fabric sculpture medium, which I had some years back under a different brand name. May buy some more. You can use it with fabric, paper, and other things, and it’s even good for outdoors once you let it cure (I know this to be true because I coated an old book in it and that thing sat out on the patio for several years totally undamaged). Anyway may get me some of that and make some kind of alt photo sculptures. Or coat the masks in it. Or make other, stranger kinds of jewelry with it. It was rings, actually. I was looking at a blog about art rings and one person used it. I could too. Hmmmmm

I did clean, I did make jewelry, I did go for a 2 hour walk, I did clean more, I also went to two stores for only necessary things.

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