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Sunday, Feb. 04, 2024 - 8:04 a.m.

I finished the necklace. I’m very happy with it. It hasn’t gotten the likes that some of the earrings did but we all know that that doesn’t mean anything. I listed it on the wholesale website but it hasn’t been made live yet. I’m concerned it’s somehow both overpriced and underpriced. I’m tempted to keep it for myself. I don’t wear my own jewelry much, but I would wear this one.

One more pair of earrings in that series to complete. Then I can do something else. Smaller pendants maybe and some more ready to ship groupings.

The expo starts next week and I’m anxious that I won’t sell very much. That will send me back into a state of dejection and I’ll lose my momentum on these new pieces which overall people like so I should know better. I do know better. I will not let it get to me regardless. I’m enjoying making them.

Every now and then I re-orient myself to the fact that I can do anything I want with my jewelry, anything at all, and it’s exciting. Then I always artificially restrict myself for some reason. STOP IT.

Every now and then (a different now, a different then that that referenced above), I wonder whether I should start an online shop for retail sales of my stuff. Or at least a pop-up a couple times a year. Probably. But also probably not. But probably. Why not? Fear of failure, and also dislike of every step of that. Marketing myself. Mailing things. Although if I do badly enough at the marketing I’ll never have to mail things. Haha. What am I worried about?

I am going to make lemon curd this morning.

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