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Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024 - 6:21 a.m.

Did a little zoom interview with lifemyway for the jewelry zine. It was fun. I’d like to do one more for the first issue; although maybe I should transcribe this and see how long it is first and not put obstacles in my own way.

I sent a little email mentioning my new work and the expo to everyone who ordered in the past two years. I got 4 orders yesterday as a result, including reorders from a couple places I had written off and almost not included in the email. That’ll teach me. And most of what sold was the new work. Two are net 30 and two don’t need to ship for at least a month, as. Collectively they aren’t enough to totally dig me out of the budget hole for the year, but still.

I was stressed over it all. On a roll working in the morning and then interrupted to have to drive Q to tutoring and then home to get U and take them to Mom’s and by then it was almost time to get E so I got E and went back to get them and couldn’t get in the building and started to leave and then J told me how to get in and we went in and they weren’t there and so we left and when we were almost home they called saying that I should come get them now and blah blah. I was fuming. I had stopped my productivity at 1pm and by the time I got to work again it was like 7pm and I was exhausted. My day was poisoned by my anger.

And as icing on the cake, late in the evening a friend who I had spent all afternoon texting with about his misery regarding his recent ex girlfriend… well we sometimes randomly mention what we’re eating for meals and so I said and he told me I eat too much fat and that was it. I had a total meltdown. I don’t know how much was the day putting me on a hair trigger and how much was that there’s a trigger there in the first place.

Today I have to take mom to a doctor’s appointment, so more of the same, probably.

I finally got approved for the legal team work on rev. It pays quite a bit more but they’re files I would never normally take because of lousy audio and crosstalk. I haven’t done one yet. The prospect of getting $45 for like a half hour of audio is very tempting though so I’ll suck it up at some point, I’m sure.

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