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Wednesday, Mar. 06, 2024 - 11:45 a.m.

Well, I was fucking around trying to update my website and saw a notice on there that as of TODAY it wasn’t going to be free anymore. The notice has probably been there for months, but I haven’t been on there in months. At the same time, the app was glitchy and I kept having to close it and relaunch, and I said to myself, “You know what? Fuck Weebly.” And went and paid for a plan somewhere else that included a free month. Yes, I’ll have to redo the damn thing from scratch, but that may be a good thing. I would have paid for the Weebly had it actually fucking worked properly.

So, now there’s an error 404 at my domain name, but I’ll start getting it into shape asap. I’m trying to figure out how I can add a separate section with my photography. I don’t know. Maybe I want that elsewhere entirely.

The little social media outage yesterday was instructional. I don’t do too much promotion on there, apart from keeping IG like a portfolio, but it shouldn’t be the only place. Someone on a thread about it commented that for a few minutes they were like, “so that’s it? I’m off the hook now?” Meaning the social media addiction lifted, free again. And I get that. Yet we all have that power to do that any time, don’t we?

Anyway. New website, new jewelry featured, updated list of retailers, get the email list going, potential for retail sales on there if I want to do that now and then, and other features I may or may not use. Probably I should make another blog and update it. Hmm. I don’t know. Page for the zine, assuming I ever get a chance to work on that. Maybe if I’m paying for the service I’ll be better about making it work for me.

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