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Friday, Mar. 08, 2024 - 7:47 a.m.

I got the website sorted. It’s live, anyway, with my blah blah blah and some photos of my recent work and a link to my retailers, which is the most important part.

It’s funny how I’ll throw almost whatever the shit up on my IG but having a WEBSITE feels so much more formal. Should I add a blog? To show my works in progress and be personable and all. I will add the zine once there’s something to talk about. Adding the pinhole stuff feels wrong, even the family-friendly ones. Like, what is this? Amateur photo hour or professional jewelry hour? But these instincts may be very outdated, a relic of academic training and early 2000s. Artists put all kinds of shit in their linktrees now, lots of eclectic artists out there. I don’t know. I don’t have a clear sense of who will be viewing the site or why. I imagine retailers, to check and see where I am and if I really don’t sell online. Other people just interested in my work. I don’t know.

I have respect for the artists who just have a head shot and a gallery of their work and a contact link. But I am what I am. And I should have learned by now that it’s to my advantage to let people perceive that. But I don’t want it to be confusing, even if I am confusing.

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