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Saturday, Mar. 16, 2024 - 11:13 a.m.

Various complaints:
1. One of the people I followed on IG, who has a persona of sparkly nonbinary autistic fairy, but who can be outspoken enough in their rebuttals to people who insult them, had an entire vitriolic screed up against people who would urge people to vote for Biden so Trump doesn’t win again, characterizing people who would do so as valuing their white comfort over everything else, and ignorant and hateful. It was not just the main post, which is like, okay, their opinion, I get it. But then they followed up in the comments with more and worse. People who had had a lot of affection for them trying to discuss it and ending with, plausibly, “I respect you and I love you” and them just responding, “I didn’t read your essay. Get the fuck off my page”. “Hateful shitheels”, whiny saltines” etc.

It was fucking depressing.
And this particular unit would sunburn faster than me, might I add.

2. Heard a song the other day that was all about how men should leave women alone and not attempt to talk with them/shoot their shot, no matter where they are or what she’s doing. Honestly don’t understand how anyone is supposed to meet anyone once rules like this have been fully internalized by everyone, as seems to be the goal. We just think everyone should really rely on dating apps? REALLY? As if those aren’t 10x more problematic?

3. Mom’s cake leaked into the bottom of the springform pan onto the bottom of the oven.

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