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Thursday, Apr. 04, 2024 - 9:12 a.m.

I discovered the tins section on the thrift store and bought 4 more. I also scored a nice vintage case, so I now have three cases filled with cameras, a pile of cameras that are too large to fit in my existing cases, and a pile of tins that don’t have anywhere to go yet. They’re organized roughly by f/. No, there is no good reason I need more. Okay, I mean, I probably don’t need more. But sometimes you need a really specific combo for a shot and then you want a few like that if you don’t want to mess with changing the paper, and, well. More cameras. I may start phasing some of them out if I’m they sure aren’t giving me images that are good, though.

AND I got to go do some photography last night, finally. All of the images turned out, I really like all of them. I tried one on the positive paper and unfortunately the lighting could have been a little better, but it’s still good. I can’t decide whether my lighting style is distinctive and appealing, or just bad. Naive style, perhaps. But who cares? Also it was a little blurrier than I’d like, but that’s what happens when you make your aperture larger so it’s a shorter exposure time. Tradeoffs.

I am determined to have some images I can enter in the erotic art show here next year. I fail every year to apply, partly because the deadline is in the middle of the holiday season. But this year I will do it, dammit.

Ideally I would make reference shots with each camera, one with the indoor lighting I tend to use and one outside in bright light, to compare. I did take one shot with two cameras simultaneously, and the differences are interesting. My good old bandaid tin remains a favorite.

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