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Tuesday, Apr. 16, 2024 - 8:33 a.m.

Been working on the yard a little every day. So that’s something. Have done nothing with jewelry. I think I need to pretend I have an order to fill to get myself doing something again, or I’m going to have a midsummer business disaster on my hands.

Got the new tattoo yesterday. My regular tattoo guy is taking time off from tattooing. He took days to message me back until I texted a second time, then said, “I’m taking time off from tattooing, [blah blah], but I can still tattoo. What would you like?” So I told him and sent the reference photo and he left me on read. So I messaged the other guy, the one who did the demon on my forearm, and he got back to me immediately and within a few hours we had a time set for only a few days after (could have been next day if I had had the time). And his work is every bit as good as guy 1. Not sure how he does with color so it was a different image, but yeah. That’s how you do it, folks. If you want to be doing it.

Haven’t gotten to walk much but have lost 4 pounds this week since J and his mom left. Only 2 lbs up from my weight last summer. Having control over my diet and not stress eating goes a long way. And I haven’t been starving myself by any means. Just veggies and lean protein and some cheese. I think the weight lifting has helped a lot. And I’m more acclimated to walking so when I go to Wales my feet won’t be blistering on me when I walk distances. Just need to keep up with the stretches and I’ll be satisfied.

Sorry for talking about weight. I pretend not to care and am kind to myself when the pendulum swings the other way, but it’s always a relief when I can take charge of my destiny every spring.

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