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2001-06-09 - 4:18 p.m.

So I weighed myself at Publix today: down to 196. Very good. In celebration I bought some ice cream. Keylime. Very good. Getting tired of grilled cheese, though.

Bead 'lessons' with the neighborgirls yesterday. They aren't very good at it. Just stringing beads took an unusually long time. I'll keep at it though; I don't know if I could have done it at that age or not, either. (But I think I could)

One of the girls scraped her arm while at the grocery store this morning, and now her mother is spending the rest of the day trying to figure out how she can make big bucks suing the store. It's ridiculous. She didn't even put a band-aid on it, what the hell is she gonna sue for? "If you have money, you should give it to me." M. is out there counseling her on what to do. "How can we get over? It may have been an honest mistake or her own clumsiness, but they should GIVE ME MONEY!!! They've got it, they're a corporation." I despise that mentality.

Here's a scan of some cabbagelooper pupae, and a larvae. This is what I do for a living right now. Aren't they cute? The weird background is just a plastic lid with holes in it.

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