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Language Log

2001-04-26 - 3:04 p.m.

This paper is kicking my ass. I took the day off from work to write on it, and so far have produced about one page of usable material. At every turn, I see a reference I need but haven't got. It's not that I hate writing, but with a deadline it does suck. My back hurts from being at the computer for so long, but if I get up I get distracted, so I've just been staying put.

Took a break to go to the garden. Still there. Looks good.

Nothing else, just complaining. Hate paper. Stupid paper. Stupid short term memory (what the paper is about).

Hey, though. All you people who joke about losing your short term memory...what they didn't tell you in those public service ads is that short term memory is the key to learning new vocabulary. So if you've screwed up your STM somehow, don't bother trying to learn a foreign language, because you'll suck.

I know that's a big concern on everyone's mind. I'm just sayin'.

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