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Friday, Dec. 02, 2005 - 6:09 p.m.

1. My monitor went kerfizzle (the screen went all little, staticky, and the thing smelled of burning wires), and we had to buy a new one. I'm back in business now.

2. I stubbed my toe and while I don't think I broke it, it is all swoll up and hurts like hell.

3. I made ginger-molasses cookies.

4. I think I offended my friend Z by offering to grade her half of the exams. She has three papers due the day that we need to have them graded by, while I have nothing due on so tight a schedule, and the exams are pretty straightforward (multichoice-type stuff). I was just being nice, but I think it was too much. Whoops. People are difficult.

4'. But she has this weird verbal habit, where once she can anticipate the end of a sentence being uttered, she says it simultaneously with you. It's offputting.

5. I don't know if there exists a glue that will hold up to my fabulous bracelets. If the glue is stretchy, it peels off easily. If it has a superstrong bond, it just snaps off, taking the varnish and some paper with it. Surely there must be a way.

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