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Monday, Jul. 08, 2013 - 8:47 p.m.

Finally got a little workspace set up in the casita. Started working on an order today. Should work out. The casita isn't really an ideal space for me, though. The elliptical machine in the middle of the room doesn't help. I haven't used it in over a year, but it was expensive and I liked it a lot and am not ready to get rid of it yet. Not that I foresee having time to just work out on it anytime soon.

Anyhow, I tried a new thing: scratched with my awl into some of my scrap domed resin pieces, then rubbed oil pastels into the marks. You end up with very fine lines in color. You could do some, add a layer of resin, do more. Blend colors. A lot of potential there. It is difficult to control the marks but I expect practice will help immensely. There also might be a better tool to use. I don't know how the resin will work with the oil pastels, but I can always switch to regular pastels if there's trouble.

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