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Wednesday, Dec. 02, 2020 - 8:04 p.m.

Am doing the “middle splits” focus for this exercise regimen which is ridiculous because my leg mobility is so bad. I’m hoping it will improve it. I certainly do feel my hips getting a workout with this, though, so it’s good as long as I manage not to injure myself in the process.

So I did two of those workouts today, going slow and with a lot of pauses.

Failed to do any work on the jewelry.

Still want to make a nice card or other little thing to send people but still have no ideas. I can do it any time, it doesn’t have to coincide with a holiday. Maybe more interesting when it isn’t. So whenever I have a damn idea, I’ll do it. Someday I’ll have an idea again, I’m sure.

I would like to do something nice for people. I like doing that. Everyone needs it these days. Kindness and beauty.

I have these sheets, plain white top sheets I inherited from J’s grandparents. I keep thinking I should quilt them together, using nothing but colored thread stitching for decoration. But sheets are big and I doubt my staying power these days.

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