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Friday, Dec. 22, 2023 - 7:26 a.m.

Mom won the ugly sweater contest with the ridiculous sweater I bought her at Marshall’s. It was really a great sweater. She was delighted, both to receive it and to win.

I’ve been saying every day I would start wrapping gifts and I have not. TODAY IS THE DAY.

Bought new bras yesterday at the bra store because they were having a good sale. I feel fancy now.

3/4 done with a somewhat torturous transcription last night, I became obsessed with the idea of stitching in black thread on my black shirt. I like doing simple stitches, the texture that results. A large piece of cotton jersey cloth in the inside of the shirt and nothing visible except the stitching. I started around midnight, concentric circles in black. The cotton jersey I chose was colorful and patterned and inside. I may add writing to it. At the time it felt like a whole thing. A meaningful thing. I can’t wait to see the shirt, subtle comforting texture added.

Also went down a rabbit hole of looking at research in the tVNS because I’m not convinced the Pulsetto programs are sufficient and I wanted to know what they’re based on. The upshot is that while there’s a ton of research that’s suggestive and various types of vagal nerve stimulation definitely do get results, there’s not much thats very helpful in guiding clinical practice. Most seem to recommend longer than I do mine. 30 minutes twice a day rather than the 6-8 minute session settings the Pulsetto uses. I wish their website weren’t so SELL SELL SELL.

After skipping it for several days, I had the distinct sense that I needed it yesterday, that’s what sent me looking up things. It’s still all kind of a mystery.

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