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Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2023 - 10:14 a.m.

Christmas was good. Spent a lot of it annoyed at my mother, but what else is new? I complained to everyone already so I won’t continue here this time. You’re welcome.

She gave me a long skirt in the wrong size she got from a catalog and I do not wear long skirts, barely wear skirts at all, but returning it feels like too much work to me. I do like the colors. I may try to figure out if I can hack it into something I do like. A short skirt and two infinity scarves or something.

I decided to dig out a few old rings I own and also found the knotwork pendant I got in Ireland when I was 20. Polished them all up. They cleaned up nicely. Well, one of the rings is clearly brass or something with garish rhinestones and an adjustable band. The sparkle gets me. I may be entering a ring phase. I even ordered one with my xmas money today. A little skull with wings that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about. There are a lot of cool rings out there, really. I may try my hand at making some, finally. With the resin and paper. I’ve contemplated it for a while but never followed through.

Need to try to figure out some new stuff with my jewelry. It’s kind of boring at this point. I don’t know. They don’t want to pay more for more elaborate pieces. Still, I should try to make things to get their attention again anyway.

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