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Sunday, Jan. 07, 2024 - 4:09 p.m.

I’m slightly less manic-deluded than when I last wrote about the embroidery piece, but it still seems basically right. It doesn’t feel like anything else and the work I see coming after, potentially, doesn’t feel like anything else either.

It’s going to hard freeze tonight and I need to try to save my hydroponic tomato. It’s too big to move. It’s got so many flowers and baby tomatoes on it. I’m covering it, of course, but also plan to put jugs of hot water with it, and some stones heated in the oven. My only concern is that I’ll put them in and go to bed and then by the time the temps actually drop low low, everything will have cooled off anyway. Tomorrow E goes back to school and I can’t risk waking at 4am to do all that because then I won’t get him to school on time.

Well, all I can do is what I can do.

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