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Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2024 - 7:22 a.m.

I saw this reel on IG by this person who talks about stretches and muscles and stuff specifically for neurodivergent people, and it was about the neck bump, forward hear posture I’ve been battling for years. She was characterizing it as and ADHD thing but went on to explain how it effects all your muscles and she went on to describe all of my issues all together. Tight neck and pecs, inflexible middle back and mid back pain, tight glutes, the way I stand, weak hamstrings that feel tight. It was eye opening. All stems from weak lower lats that can’t support head on shoulders properly and then the rest all falls out of that.

So working on strengthening my back and stretching all the things. I feel so much better when I do, and my posture is better. No back pain. I just have to do it every damn day and that’s difficult.

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