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Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024 - 8:00 p.m.

This rental house has a treadmill in the bedroom, a fancy one with a 15 degree incline. It also goes faster than I can go. But I walked on it yesterday and then today for 45 minutes after I finally figured out how to get the incline to work and although it’s boring, I really want one for at home now. Not one this fancy, or big, but one of the smaller ones you can shove under a bed or somewhere. They’re not as expensive as I thought. It would be nice to be able to walk when the weather is bad, or break up my walking into smaller chunks instead of 2 hours straight.

My legs and feet are sore from just the 45 minutes. I haven’t really walked since November.

I don’t know about the embroidery. I have a feeling I should start it over, the rock part, before I do more on it. I can already tell it’s not how I want it to be. I’m not sure how, or how it should be, is the problem.

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