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Monday, Mar. 11, 2024 - 7:57 p.m.

Okay, I was really worried there with that outage. Yikes. Where would I deposit my petty insecurities, creative chaos, and complaints about my mother? I would languish in a malaise.

Anyway, I did start the block for the “solidarity with Palestine” tee/patches/whatever. I had started out emulating the lettering of Paul Peter Piech, who is for these things my number one favorite inspiration, but my letters end up looking just awful even when I do them the same as his. He was no calligrapher, maybe a typesetter, but his style is very… straightforward and easy to carve. But no. Just looks like crap when I try it.

So I set that aside and ended up making letters by the same process by which I’m designing jewelry these days, amalgamating these little cut pieces I have laying all over my desk. The result is, like Piech’s letters, deceptively naive looking. I reviewed some of the calligraphy course (since I only have a little longer to do that) and reminded myself about making structures and eventually glued them into place and traced it. I can’t decide whether the writing is truly appropriate to the message. Is there too much ego in it? Too much of me? Or does it look too childish? But I refuse to let these concerns stop me. It’ll be whatever it is. A step to whatever comes next, if nothing else.

J gets in tonight. He may have to leave again to go back at any time, depending.

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