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Saturday, May. 20, 2023 - 10:54 a.m.

The flights to the UK went fine. Thursday night I drank a fair amount of rum and coke. Yesterday I hung around jetlagged but somehow not hung over, and then finally walked out to get some stuff at the Turkish grocery. Obtained the chocolate baklava as well as some regular baklava, tomatoes, feta, grilled Greek olives in lieu of pickles. I know you all were worried about how I was going to go a week without my tomatoes.

Today, Saturday, I’m not sure what. The walk yesterday revealed that my shoes are not going to be good for distance. I brought my sandals, but now my feet hurt and I’m not sure I’m ready yet for the walk to the cathedral. It’s a little over 3 miles each way. Getting to the city center where the carousel is is along the way so doesn’t make sense to do that and not do the whole route. So I’m not sure what makes sense today. The Bay, maybe. It’s 11am already.

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