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Tuesday, Dec. 05, 2023 - 9:13 a.m.

Today someone from one of those house buying businesses is coming to look at our house and I am so anxious. It’s not tidy, and some parts are not just cluttered but dirty. U will have a complete meltdown if he knows someone has been in his room, and it will be my job to make sure it looks like no one has been in there. My own anxiety levels are so high I can’t really help him deal with his.

The Pulsetto hasn’t helped with this. Not enough, anyway.

I’m generally feeling the anger at holiday demands, although not as bad as usual (it’s early, but also the in-laws won’t be coming).

My cousins asked me to tell my mom that another cousin has colon cancer and is having a surgery and I said I would but after only ONE day one of them called her and found out I hadn’t told her yet and now they’re mad at me. I didn’t know there was a deadline! Anyway, please leave me out of everything, okay?

I just want to sit in the warm and mend things undisturbed until, like, April. That’s my job. Not talking to people.

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