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Monday, Jan. 01, 2024 - 7:46 a.m.

Yes, well, new year. Good luck, everyone.
I’ve already embroidered a lot more on that jacket. It isn’t going how I imagined it would, but I like where it’s going.

We had stuffed waffles last night and I made a garlic baked brie, mainly for myself. I ate like 3/4 of it. It didn’t need that much butter. I also made croutons with the grocery store bread cubes left from Smorgasgourd. Can you imagine? But they were fine. I poured the extra butter from the brie on them.

Q made bagels from scratch.
Some homeschoolers with kids in her cohort were talking about high school credits and I found the entire thing terrifying. She expressed interest in going to a school again and there’s one left that might work. I don’t know. Being at home is and is not. I could do without ever having to explain her thing about the birthday song to anyone ever again. But it’s time for her to learn to navigate community, a little.

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