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Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024 - 6:35 a.m.

Two more earrings finished. It feels slow because what, I worked all day and finished two? But that includes all the varnishing, which yes it isn’t efficient to do it only two at a time. I just want these photographable sooner rather than later. Also I am cutting and preparing the decorative elements for all 6 at the same time so that later on I don’t have to try to figure out what the hell I did and where the paper is, etc. that will save time on the other end.

I did get one little order already, not of the new pieces, but some of my ready to ship items. I think the new pieces in the “new work” section were instrumental, though. It’s a new customer in Gainesville. I’m happy to have some things there and it looks like a nice shop.

But anyway now I have to make more regular pieces on top of making the new ones. I’m running really low on cyanotypes, too, and at the moment there is no sun and no plants to speak of. Time for thorns.

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