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Saturday, Jan. 27, 2024 - 2:47 p.m.

I got the cheap vegetable boxes today. Yellow squash, cucumbers, lemons, grapefruit, peppers, green beans. I’m going to have to eat a lot of green beans. The peppers are Anaheim and these little things, I don’t even know what.

I made hot cocoa from cocoa powder, homemade caramel sauce, a little brown sugar, cinnamon. I think I could make a mix to be kept in the fridge, cocoa powder blended with a syrup and spices to make a paste and mixed with milk for hot chocolate. Why would I do that? I don’t need to drink hot cocoa every day. It was good, though.

I’ve been working on this transcript trying to get it done before the payday cutoff. I don’t think I’m going to make it. It’s killing me. I haven’t worked on jewelry today. I’m getting the, “what the hell am I going to do with all these after no one buys them” blues already. I flip back and forth between, “no one will pay that” and “the fancy New York people could charge more”. Well, I’m not a fancy New York person, am I? But god, I gotta give it a chance. I know I’m ridiculous.

I get so angry on IG. Smiling posing artists in curated composed shots, projecting their brand. I want people to know, I can’t remember when I showered last and I’m still in my pajamas again, another day. I’m listening to Czech hardcore thematically oriented toward toilet humor, while walking on my treadmill and occasionally varnishing these beautiful earrings. No one likes you when you’re 50. What’s my brand again? What’s my brand again?

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