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Friday, Mar. 22, 2024 - 10:59 a.m.

Both of my older children have decided they need to be woken up at particular (different) times, that it’s very important to them, and that I have to be the one to wake them up even though I have explained to them many many times that I am not a reliable alarm clock because I get so absorbed in what I’m doing and have no idea what time it is or the ability to stop what I’m doing at will.

Plus U always wants me to hang around and snuggle him for like an hour to make sure he’s all the way awake. During my most productive time of day. I literally cannot and it’s not that I don’t care or respect their desires. Even when I try, I fail at it, and they need to learn to use a goddamn alarm like the rest of us. Honestly. They’re so mad at me about it. Q in particular has a way of voicing all her concerns and irritations that make it clear that she is saturated with loathing at your role in the situation, but if that could change my time blindness my life would be easier.

I planted the new tomato start in the hydro bucket. It’s kinda wilty and I don’t know if that’s surprise and dismay at the new growing conditions, an effect of disturbing the roots quite a lot, or if I’ve given it too much nutrient all of a sudden. Cross your fingers for its longevity and productivity.

I have been trying, trying, and I’m back in “I deserve a little treat for all this”, where the “little treat” is a $108 mini skirt because it has baby turtles and earthworms on it. Let’s review:
1. I do like this designer a lot, same one I bought my Satan uterus booty shorts from
2. I don’t wear skirts but twice a year and I already have several
4. I could wear it over leggings and maybe it wouldn't feel like I was wearing a skirt?
6. $108


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