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Saturday, Mar. 23, 2024 - 8:03 p.m.

I’m still super sore from the long walk. I wanted to do another this weekend but today I had to go get veggies from the rescued veggie people, and tomorrow it’s supposed to rain.

I received 5 spaghetti squash, 4 or 5 eggplants, 15 yellow squash, a large number of zucchini and grey squash and something like 4 pounds of green beans plus beefsteak tomatoes and heirloom tomatoes and tomatillos.

I roasted tiny cherry tomatoes I already had so they wouldn’t go bad, which is the direction they were heading. Roasted the remainder of the poblanos that were quietly desiccating in the fridge. I cooked up a pound and a half of the green beans (braised them with tomato sauce and garlic, a Lebanese recipe), organized the zucchini, sliced up the yellow squash for squash casserole tomorrow. Got everything in a fridge except the spaghetti squash. It’s a lot of veggies and they all want to go bad quick. Tomorrow I may make gazpacho, and tomatillo sauce, and will eat zucchini salad and squash casserole for dinner. I don’t have a plan for the eggplant yet. Or the spaghetti squash. Well, I have a plan for maybe one spaghetti squash. Not 5. 5 spaghetti squash is really too many. I still have 2 kinds of zucchini soup in the freezer from last time.

Almost got this jewelry order ready to go out. I have to start some new designs asap because the order that goes out next week, the last one pending in the queue, she wants to see the new designs I didn’t have ready yet when she ordered because I had sold out of a few she wanted. And I haven’t made any because I’ve been so busy filling orders.

I made some decorative papers for that purpose. One of my favorite things to do. So meditative. Sumi ink especially. Dropping sumi ink onto wet paper is pure magic.

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