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Monday, Mar. 25, 2024 - 9:59 a.m.

Now extremely anxious that the inks I’ve been using for my wonderful new pieces are not lightfast enough and will fade. I’m sure it’s a mix but I’m sure some are not. I already discussed this with J and determined that I should go back to using the fabric dyes, but those are terrible in terms of water use. Plus a lot more time consuming. But lightfastness is important. Feeling bad about the pieces I’ve sent out and the pieces in progress. So much anxiety. It feels URGENT.

I suppose it’s the outsider thing, the sneaking suspicion that I should not be getting away with selling this stuff, and look! I’m right! I don’t know what I’m doing! No, I know it’s all bullshit and everyone makes mistakes and you just correct them and move on and that’s how incremental improvement happens.

I’m just very anxious in general today. I am ready to ship two orders now but it doesn’t make sense to do so until later because the post office is much busier now than it will be later. But my nervous system is like, SHIP THEM. THEY HAVE PAID YOU AND YOU MUST SHIP THEM NOW NOW NOW.

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